The Training

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The Academy

Upon completing the comprehensive hiring process, you will be sent to a local law enforcement academy to undergo rigorous training as a law enforcement officer.

This para-military style program focuses on academic excellence and physical fitness, ensuring that you are fully equipped to uphold the highest standards of police work.

Montclair PD Recruit going through the Academy

Hours of Training

Subjects Taught

Criminal Law

You will learn criminal law application and procedures, as well as penal, vehicle, health and safety codes and more.

Vehicle Operations

Knowing the dynamics of a patrol vehicle, and how to operate it to its maximum potential in a safe manner is critical.


You will learn about firearms and how to safely and efficiently use them to save your life and the lives of civilians.

Tactical Ops

To protect yourself and members of the community, you will be trained in tactical operations and skills for a myriad of situations.

Lifesaving Skills

From CPR and first aid, to emergency childbirth, to putting out fires, you will master skills which one day may save a life.

Defensive Tactics

Knowing how to defend yourself from those wishing to do you or a member of the community harm are valuable skills you will learn.

Officer Spotlight


Name: Officer Rick Dominguez


Years: 16


Assignment: Patrol

“I’ve encouraged law enforcement officers to join the Montclair Police Department due to a variety of assignments they have here and there is also room for growth and opportunities.”

Field Training Program

Once you have graduated the academy, you will embark on a transformative journey through our dynamic Field Training Program. You will be assigned to experienced and specially selected police officers, who will train and evaluate you on the real-world application of the subjects you learned in the academy.

Department Policy

You will become familiar with, and demonstrate adherence to, the policies of the Montclair Police Department.

Vehicle Operations

You will demonstrate the safe, efficient, and practical operation of a patrol vehicle in both stress and non-stress conditions.


Proper handling and use of firearms in accordance with the policies, tactics, and standards of the department will be used.


Your interactions with community members, victims, suspects, witnesses, peers, and supervisors will be evaluated.

Application of Law

We want to see you take the legal knowledge you learned in the academy and apply it in your everyday performance.

Critical Incidents

You will be subjected to high-stress, and sometimes violent incidents which require you to respond and successfully defuse.

Training Phases



A mentor

A role model

An experienced law enforcement officer with the ability to teach recruits and trainees how to properly, efficiently, safely, and bravely perform the duties of a police officer operating a patrol vehicle in a solo function.

Montclair PD Badge and Patch

Academics Are Important

We can not emphasize it enough. Academics are important both in the police academy, and the field training program. Police officers need to be highly knowledgeable in all aspects of their position.


Academy Completion

86% of all recruits who start the police academy graduate


Academic Fail – Men

38% of male recruits failed the academy due to academics


Academic Fail – Women

25% of female recruits failed the academy due to academics

*All statistics on this page were taken from the U.S. Department of Justice State and Local Law Enforcement Training Academies, 2013 report published in July of 2016.

Click here to download the report

A Bonus Just for You…

Like we mentioned above, we want you to pass our exams. That’s why we’re offering you this FREE guide offering more information and helpful tips for each phase of our hiring process. 

Montclair PD Hiring Success Guide

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